G-XJM8DNQK15 google.com, pub-2963903286005108, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 operntanz (the opera, Music and dance blog) Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker, acts:1-4 - Operntanz (The Opera, Music, and Dance Blog)

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker, acts:1-4

The Nutcracker Act1. - 1. (Royal Ballet -2008)

The Nutcracker Act1. - 2. (Royal Ballet -2008)

The Nutcracker Act1. - 3. (Royal Ballet -2008)

The Nutcracker Act1. - 4. (Royal Ballet -2008)

Scenes From Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker
The Arabian Variation in Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker is a stunning display of virtuosic ballet by Sergey Chumakov and Elena Petrechenko. Moscow Ballet's 20th Anniversary production of the Great Russian Nutcracker overflows with a spectacular new "Dove of Peace" where 2 dancers become one stunning bird, a Christmas Tree that grows to 7 stories tall, a corps of 40 men and women, falling snow and Russian sleigh escorted by Father Christmas (Ded Moroz) and Snow Maiden (Snegurochka), towering silk puppets, 200 lavish costumes, and 9 hand-painted backdrops all set to Tchaikovsky's complete score.

20 Years and 20 clips of Moscow Ballet's Great Russian Nutcracker -- N


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