G-XJM8DNQK15 google.com, pub-2963903286005108, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 operntanz (the opera, Music and dance blog) Dance Theatre of Harlem - Operntanz (The Opera, Music, and Dance Blog)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dance Theatre of Harlem

Photos provided by Dance Theatre of Harlem Misty Copeland, African American Ballerina
Misty Copeland (born September 10, 1982) is an author, entertainer, and American ballet dancer for American Ballet Theatre (ABT), one of the three leading classical ballet companies in the United States (along with New York City Ballet and San Francisco Ballet). She is the fourth African-American soloist, and the first in two decades with ABT, where she has endured the cultural pressure associated with this role.

Copeland is considered a prodigy who rose to stardom despite not starting ballet until the age of 13. By age 15, Copeland's mother and ballet teachers, who were serving as her custodial guardians, fought a custody battle over her. Meanwhile, Copeland, who was already an award-winning dancer, was fielding professional offers. The 1998 legal proceedings involved filings for emancipation by Copeland and restraining orders by her mother. Both sides dropped legal proceedings, and Copeland moved home to begin studying under a new teacher who was a former ABT member.

Photos provided by Dance Theatre of Harlem

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