G-XJM8DNQK15 google.com, pub-2963903286005108, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 operntanz (the opera, Music and dance blog) Marian Anderson - Operntanz (The Opera, Music, and Dance Blog)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Marian Anderson

I grew up in Virginia in a town named after Pocahontas . In grade school we were all taught that Marian Anderson was one of the greatest Opera stars in the world. Her beautiful voice and story made us feel proud to be little Black boys and girls growing up in a segregated society. Our grade school teacher taught us to hold our heads up high and be proud of our race. They also taught us that we could be anything we wanted to be as long as we worked hard to accomplish our goals. Please check out the video, it will warm your heart.

Marian Anderson

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