G-XJM8DNQK15 google.com, pub-2963903286005108, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 operntanz (the opera, Music and dance blog) Bernard Wright-Who Do You Love ( In memory of Bernand Wright) - Operntanz (The Opera, Music, and Dance Blog)

Friday, May 20, 2022

Bernard Wright-Who Do You Love ( In memory of Bernand Wright)

My "little brother", Bernard Wright was struck by a vehicle in Dallas while crossing the street and tragically passed yesterday. We don't have any details besides knowing that the lives of everyone who knew him have been tragically, permanently altered. We weren't blood brothers but brothers in every other sense. Lenny White was our older brother in the same way, all of us coming up in Jamaica, Queens, NY. Words are difficult right now but imagine Bernard and me, him 13, me 17, sitting in my Chevy Monte Carlo, sharing a cheesesteak sandwich that we pooled our coins together to buy. Imagine us finishing the sandwich then walking into a jazz club and convincing the guys in the band to let us sit in - them finally agreeing and their eyes getting wide when we jumped into our thing - them not being able to believe this 13 year old completely taking over the bandstand. Lots of other details, images, music to share but that scenario alone should give you an idea of where I'm at right now.. Heartbroken..

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