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Thursday, April 7, 2011

History Of Modern Black Dance in America/Pt. 1

What is Dance? I went looking for a broad definition of dance and could not find one, so I did some research and came up with a broad definition: Dance is an ordered sequence of movements with visual and rhythmic patterns (with or without music) which is usually expressed through certain social norms within a given society. In my opinion, dance have to be linked with certain social norms, not just the movement of the hands and feet as Webster points out. In Africa and other ethnic societies, dance expresses the way people live their lives, it tells a story. This essay is also an attempt to tell a story about Modern Black Dance in America.

The essay will discuss how the influence of Pearl Primus and Katherine Dunham help shape the development of Modern Black Dance in America. As stated before, like any other social craft, Modern Black Dance must be examined within the sociocultural and economic conditions which gave rise to it’s development. The essay should not be viewed as some kind of academic discourse, but rather an opinion based on some degree of historical research and fact. Readers are welcome to agree or disagree with my conclusions.

As stated above, two central figures laid the ground work for the development of Modern Black Dance. These two ladies were not just great performers, but Cultural Anthropologist, scientist, educators and social activist. They viewed African Dance and Modern Black Dance as an endless cycle of historical investigation. Katherine Dunham stated in an interview that some people go through their entire life just existing from day to day, but that she can only exist where consciousness is foremost in the minds of the people. She along with Pearl Primus spent their entire life sharing their research and knowledge of dance. The essay also discusses several dance companies who were directly or indirectly influenced by Pearl Primus and Katherine Dunham: The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Dance Theater of Harlem, Dallas Contemporary Dance Theater and Dayton Contemporary Dance Company. These particular dance companies were highlighted because they are internationally known and have won many distinguish awards. I hope you will enjoy the essay and come away with the idea that dance is more than just movement of the feet and body, but it is an expression of the way people live their lives, enjoy comrades.


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