G-XJM8DNQK15 google.com, pub-2963903286005108, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 operntanz (the opera, Music and dance blog) Tommie s Favorite Musical Recordings,/Opera Singer Shirley Verretti - Operntanz (The Opera, Music, and Dance Blog)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tommie s Favorite Musical Recordings,/Opera Singer Shirley Verretti

As an internationally renowned opera singer and recitalist, the late Shirley Verrett achieved recognition as one of the world's great artist. Although she passed away this past December, she will be remembered as a great opera singer. She emerged as an international opera singer by the mid-1960s. She performed over forty roles in her long career.
originally posted On:5/8/11

Tommie lives in Ohio. He will be sharing his comments on Jazz, classical, Gospel, and soul music recordings. All of his comments on music can be found on Facebook.

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